This web site was created to help fill the gap. It consists of materials taken from a manuscript I wrote in the 1970's, after two years' of intensive research while I attended San Francisco State University in 1969-71. This material has never been published except for a few articles, because it was not commercially viable as a book. But now, thanks to the Internet, it can be made available to the public -- not for profit, but for knowledge!
All articles on this site are Copyrighted by John F. Schneider, 1999, All Rights Reserved. Photos are presumed to be in the public domain unless otherwise indicated. Special thanks to the following people who have graciously contributed information, articles or photographs to this site: Fred Krock, Bill Ruck, Cecil Lynch, Rich Kolm, Bill Newbrough, Greg Oppenheimer, Richard Rodriguez and Steve Gore. Thanks also to Harry Larkin for his help with some of the photos.
Can you provide additional
facts or photographs to help document Bay Area broadcasting? Your comments about
and contributions to this site are welcome. I can be contacted at: or mail to:
John SchneiderJohn Schneider worked briefly in San Francisco radio in the early 70's. He is now the Latin American Sales Manager for Broadcast Electronics, Inc., in Quincy, Illinois.
1662 Jersey Street
Quincy, IL 62301
All Articles © Copyright 1999 John F. Schneider. All rights reserved.
Please direct your
comments and inquiries to